jQuery is the most popular technology to make your website more attractive and beautiful. There are numbers of jQuery plugins available for web developers to make their website more attractive. In this post I collected the fresh and very useful plugins of early 2011. Enjoy!
1. Mobily Select
MobilySelect is jQuery plugin (2kB) that replaces one collection of items with another.
2.jQuery xFade
A jQuery plugin (3.6 KB minified) to fade/slide the elements inside the container based/extended from jQuery InnerFade byTorsten Baldes with the controls as addition.
3. Photo Rotator
Photo Rotator JQuery plugin is a easy to use JQuery plugin for web developer to build Javascript gallery on their web application. The plugin can be driven by xml. Easy setup and only minimum programming knowledge is needed. Best to showcase your photography.
4. Ajax Image Zoom
AJAX-ZOOM is a powerful image zoom & pan gallery plugin based on jQuery and PHP. It features around 300 options and can be easily integrated into any website, CMS or webshop.
5. Showcase
This plugin is the solution for everything, you can showcase images, videos and images with caption with this plugin.
6. Imagin8
Imagin8 will transition between images with a nice fade In/Out. It only requires a couple of lines of CSS and a regular jQuery Plugin call. You have full control on the number of images, the delay and a lot more.
7. GMAP V3
gMap is a lightweight plugin that helps you embed Google Maps into your website. I ported it to v3 API from nurtext version.
8. ACcontact Me
9. Gallery View
GalleryView is a content-gallery plugin capable of displaying any HTML content in an animated gallery view.
10. Facebook Wall
The name says it all, this jQuery plugin allows you to display the facebook wall of an user, a page or an app on your own website.
You have listed some interesting plug-ins here, thanks.. I’ve used one of these, but that’s all.. Makes me think about what I can use them for next!
These are perfect examples of why I love jQuery so much!
What do you think about this new jQuery Image gallery effect http://creativator.net/projects/jswitch/
I found some more good effects at http://www.eyedeyeah.com/?p=65
Very Nice!!
I want to add one more Live facebook app Popularity Ranker developed using jQuery and CSS3 and most interestingly it is open source.
Check out the app at http://apps.facebook.com/funaddiction
Fork the source code at https://github.com/gitesh-tyagi/blooming-spring-5594
liteAccordion is an excellent jQuery plugin 🙂