Favicons are the main part of Website’s identity. If you want to create a brand around your site or blog then it must have a favicon. Today in this article I compiled a list of 15 websites 16 sites (updated) where you can generate a favicon for your website or blog.
15 Tools To Generate Favicon For Your Website
Comments (2)
Please check my favicon generator site out, http://www.favicongenerator.us If you think it’s worth an inclusion, please include. Thanks!
Searching about favicons, I discovered I needed more than 10 kinds of files to work in all browsers and devices 🙁
I got tired of creating these files by hand and created my own favicon generator, that create all these files and the correct HTML header for each one of them: a href=”http://faviconit.com/”>http://faviconit.com/
Please, check it out?