Architectural Photography refers to the photographs of architecture. As A Photographer I always love to capture the architecture around me. Today I collected some of the most beautiful architectural photographs for the inspiration of my buddy photographers.
Old Temples



Don’t Shatter The Illusion

Cyclone Chamber

The Wave

To Infinity And Beyond

Helical Stair

Très Grand Bourdon

Under Arches


Blue Spider’s Web

Streets Of Silence

Symmetrical tower


City Feet


Streetlight and yellow building

Tales From The Distant Earth

Nothing Straight

Tunnel Vision

Berliner Congress Center


Oceanographic (Valencia, Spain)

Centro de Convenciones

Metallic Blue


Close To Freedom

Flurry Of Activity

From Different Planet

Shapes Of Confusion

Walls And Bricks

It’s History Now

No Country For Old Men


Cities Of The Future

Big Brother

The Expedition

Wings of Rise

Red On Silver


Kuala Lumpur

Abandoned Castle

The Span

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog
those are creative shots, nice nice nice
Wings of rise is absolutely beautiful
I’m so inspired. The images took me away from my screen and into the lines, colors and simply to another world. Amazing! Thank you for sharing!
Really cool collection, thanks
50% of these images aren’t very good nor architectural shots – when will people realise that HDR photography is crap?!
Inspiring list, seriously.. thanks for sharing