We released a dark single page portfolio at the start of this week. We are getting so many requests about releasing a similar template with some colors. So here we are releasing this orange folio single page website template. It has nice combination of orange and white colors. The background texture looks really awesome in this template. This template is also responsive website template just like the dark folio. This template has a nice looking slider for displaying images. The images of portfolio also has a jQuery lightbox display. Do check out our complete list of Free Website Templates. Subscribe to our feed to stay updated with the latest templates released by us.


orange folio demo

Width : 960px

Responsive Layout

Colors : Orange, White

Lightbox Integration

jQuery Slider

Attractive Design

Sources Available : HTML, CSS, JS



Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog Creativedesignmagazine.com

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