If you are a designer then you must go through various design blogs to find design resources and inspiration. I also read a lot of design blogs everyday to keep myself updated with latest design trends and to find latest design resources. Today I create a list of design blogs that every designer should follow. This post is not based on any ranking or any other comparison criteria its just my favourite design blogs.

1. Smashing Magazine

Founded in September 2006, Smashing Magazine delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers.

Aviary smashingmagazine-com Picture 1

2. Tuts Plus

If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best. They offer sites on a range of creative niches including Photoshop and Graphics, Vectors and Illustration, Web Development and Design, Motion Graphics, Flash and ActionScript, Computer Graphics, Photography and Audio Production.

Aviary tutsplus-com Picture 1

3. Webdesigner Depot

Webdesigner Depot is an exciting platform designed to explore different web and graphic design techniques, great examples and best practices.

Aviary webdesignerdepot-com Picture 1

4. Hongkiat

Hongkiat is a technology and design blog that constantly showcase some of the best materials, resources from the Internet to inspire our readers.

Aviary hongkiat-com Picture 1

5. Abduzeebo

Abduzeedo is a blog about design. There are all sorts of articles for those who want to look for inspiration. Also you will find very useful tutorials for the most used applications out there, with a special selection of Photoshop Tutorials and Illustrator Tutorials. Of course there are other softwares conteplated like Pixelmator, Fireworks, and web design tutorials.

Aviary abduzeedo-com Picture 1

6. Vandelay Design

Vandelay Design Blog inspires a lot of designers. It is one of those design blogs who sets the trend for other designers to follow. I am a huge fan of Vandelay.

Aviary vandelaydesign-com Picture 1

7. Specky Boy

Speckyboy Design Magazine launched in October 2007, as the personal freelance web design homepage of Paul Andrew. Somewhere over the following months this site dramatically changed direction, and evolved into the great design resource magazine that you can currently see.

Aviary speckyboy-com Picture 1

8. Six Revisions

Six Revisions is a website that publishes practical and useful articles for designers and web developers. Six Revisions was launched in February 2008 by professional web developer/designer Jacob Gube (who now functions as the Chief Editor of the site). Articles are written by talented professionals from around the globe, and a high emphasis on quality, comprehensiveness, and usefulness goes into each of the articles published.

Aviary sixrevisions-com Picture 1

9. Noupe

Noupe passionately delivers stylish and dynamic news for designers and web-developers on all subjects of design, ranging from; CSS, Ajax, Javascript, web design, graphics, typography, advertising & much more.

Aviary noupe-com Picture 1

10. Creative Design Magazine

Creative Design Magazine a design resource magazine. They regularly publish articles related to graphic design, webdesign, logo design and other various design forms. This blog has been updated 4-5 times in a day. Readers also follow Creative Design Magazine for daily design and photography inspiration.

Aviary creativedesignmagazine-com Picture 1

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog Creativedesignmagazine.com

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