HTML5 is the hottest thing in web design industry. Everyone is trying their hands on creating animations with this amazing language. In this post I am going to showcase some great HTML5 experiments that you must try yourself to make your HTML5 skills better. These HTML5 experiments will inspire you to create more HTML5 animations and games. I am sure your HTML5 skills will improve so much after trying all these experiments yourself. If you like these experiments please try this post on social networks to help us spread the word.

More HTML5 Tutorials and Resources

Fight or Flight? (HTML5 game)

html5 experiements


Z type

html5 experiements


Make3D: Native Drag & Drop in browser

html5 experiements



html5 experiements


Google Gravity

html5 experiements



html5 experiements


webGL water

html5 experiements



html5 experiements



html5 experiements



html5 experiements


Asteroids – HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript game

html5 experiements


HTML5 logo

html5 experiements


Move. Pick Up. Drop

html5 experiements



html5 experiements



html5 experiements

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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