Prior to CSS, nearly all of the presentational attributes of HTML documents were contained within the HTML markup; all font colors, background styles, element alignments, borders and sizes had to be explicitly described, often repeatedly, within the HTML. CSS allows authors to move much of that information to another file, called a style sheet, resulting in considerably simpler HTML. Introduction of CSS made the work of a web designer really easy and after the introduction of CSS3 the designing has become a real fun. You can create various effects and designs with CSS3. If you are not familiar with CSS3 and wants to try your hands on this amazing stylish language then this post will be really useful for you. This post features some excellent CSS3 techniques and tutorials that you must use in 2012 in order to become a better designer.


Creative CSS3 Animation Menus


Create Calendar using jQuery and CSS3


How to Create Accordion Menu (CSS3+jQuery)


Create a Stylish Image Content Slider in Pure CSS3


Awesome Cufonized Fly-out Menu with jQuery and CSS3


CSS3 Progress Bars


Shiny Knob Control with jQuery and CSS3


Having Fun With CSS3: Spinning Newspapers


Making a CSS3 Animated Menu


Better Check Boxes with jQuery and CSS


Making Better Select Elements with jQuery and CSS3


CSS3 Minimalistic Navigation Menu


Carbon Fiber Signup Form With PHP, jQuery and CSS3


Sweet AJAX Tabs With jQuery 1.4 & CSS3


CSS3 with jQuery / Reverse Animation

css3 techniques


CSS3 Skill Bar Animation


CSS3 Loading Animation Loop


CSS3 Loading Animation


CSS3 Hover Effects


CSS3 Dropdown Menu

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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