Monthly Archive:: August 2013

40 Best Photoshop And Illustrator Tutorials From July 2013

Every month we bring the best of design world for our readers. This post is yet another part of this monthly series. In this post you will see the Best Photoshop and Illustrator tutorials from the month of July 2013. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator both are
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100 Professional Portfolio WordPress Themes

This is a collection of professional Portfolio WordPress Themes. WordPress is a great platform for creating portfolio websites. It has all the essential features that you need for a professional portfolio. One thing that is really nice about using WordPress is that you get so many design

75 Best Free Magazine Blogger Templates

Blogger is a great blogging platform. It is free to use and it has so many customization options. You can give a completely different look to your blog by using template of your blog. Lots of websites are providing free and premium blogger templates. We all know

3 Ways 3D Printing Will Revolutionise Design

While most of the tech blogs are abuzz with the promise 3D printing holds for the future, other sectors are only beginning to sense the potential behind this exciting new technology. One of the markets that 3D printing has the potential to impact the most is design,