jQuery is a great way to add effects to websites. One of the most popular place for adding jQuery plugins is image slider. Web designers all around the world love to add jQuery image sliders to their websites. In this post I collected the best jQuery image slider plugins and tutorials to help web designer add dynamic jQuery image slider to their website. These image slider plugins include sliding image sliders, fade image sliders and so many more image sliding effects. We have a huge collection of jQuery plugins on our website you can check our jQuery Category for more jQuery plugins and tutorials.

jFlow Plus

jquery slider plugin


jquery slider plugin

jQuery Slider Crystal

jquery slider plugin


jquery slider plugin

Orbit: A Slick jQuery Image Slider Plugin

jquery slider plugin

Parallax Slider with jQuery

jquery slider plugin


jquery slider plugin

Coin Slider

jquery slider plugin

NV / box-slider

jquery slider plugin

Smooth Div Scroll

jquery slider plugin


An HTML5 Slideshow w/ Canvas And jQuery

must see jquery slideshow tutorials

Image Flow 0.9

must see jquery slideshow tutorials

Picture Slides

must see jquery slideshow tutorials

jQuery mb.gallery

must see jquery slideshow tutorials

SIDEWAYS – jQuery fullscreen image gallery

must see jquery slideshow tutorials


must see jquery slideshow tutorials


must see jquery slideshow tutorials

Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider

must see jquery slideshow tutorials

Simple Slideshow using Mootools / JQuery

must see jquery slideshow tutorials

Advanced jQuery Background Image Slideshow

must see jquery slideshow tutorials

A Beautiful Apple Style Slideshow Gallery With CSS & jQuery

must see jquery slideshow tutorials

GalleryView: A jQuery Content Gallery Plugin

must see jquery slideshow tutorials


Factory Galleries

jquery image slider



jquery image slider

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog Creativedesignmagazine.com

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