This article is a collection of best admin templates. Admin area is the most important part of a website. This is the area from where a webmaster controls the website. He has all the statistics of a website in this area. I believe that a website is as strong as its admin dashboard. A web designer should always pay more attention towards this area of website. In this post I am going to showcase some of the best admin templates for webmasters. These templates will give you more control over your website. Do share this post with your friends to help us spread the word. Enjoy!

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Admin Templates

Kato – Responsive Admin Template

admin template

Kato is bootstrap 3 based HTML5 responsive template.It features simple clean design with easily changeable colors. Kato was made with SASS lang which provides powerful customization with changing as few files as possible.

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admin template

Powered by Bootstrap 3, Se7en can be used for any web application, dashboard, or business application. Be it admin panels, CMSs, SAAS, corporate websites, you name it.

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AvocadoPanel – Responsive Admin Template

admin template

AvocadoPanel is a responsive admin template powered with Twitter Bootstrap Framework for admin and backend applications. The template can be used for any web application including custom admin panels, admin dashboards, CMS, CRM, SAAS and websites. AvocadoPanel also features a very clean and intuitive style of design which makes your next project look awesome and yet super-user friendly.

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Rootified – Responsive Admin Template

admin template

Rootified is a Bootstrap-based template that can be used for CMS and back-end web applications. It’s based on a responsive layout and it has been written in HTML5 and CSS3. It has three main columns: one for the left sidebar, which contains the main navigation menu, another for a right sidebar that contains featured widgets and the main container.

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Metro Lab – Responsive Metro Dashboard Template

admin template

Metro Lab Admin template is a fantastic template with Realtime metro design concept. We are calling it Realtime Metro.

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Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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