This article is a collection of best Magento Extensions. Magento is an open source e-commerce web application that was launched on March 31, 2008 under the name Bento. It was developed by Varien with help from the programmers within the open source community but is now owned solely by eBay Inc. Each and every extension feature in this article will make the life of a Magento developer really easy. Do share this article with your friends to help us spread the word. Enjoy!

Magento Extensions

Single Sign-On For Magento And WordPress

magento extension

You are creating a website, or own a website, that is built using a mixture of Magento and WordPress. It may be that WordPress is used to manage pages and a blog, while Magento is used purely for it’s e-commerce functionality. Or perhaps all your pages and e-commerce functionality are managed through Magento, and WordPress is simply there as a blog platform.

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Magento Customer Attributes Extension

magento extension

For any shop owner, knowing your customers is key to a successful business. 90% of our Magento customers always ask for extra customer attributes within the registration forms i.e. the checkout registration and the customer account area.

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Horizontal Product Slider Magento Extension

magento extension

With the Horizontal Product Slider extension you can showcase and drive more of your visitors’ attention to your best and most profitable products in your Magento web-store. Users can see the products in a nice sliding manner, add to cart right from there and proceed to checkout.

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Checkout Discount Code Magento Extension

magento extension

During our time developing Magento websites, we have found one of the most common request is adding a coupon / discount code step to the Magento checkout. It only makes sense! After all, if a user forgets to add the coupon codein the basket – it is annoying having to go back to the basket page and start the whole checkout process again!

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Send New Order Email to Admin

magento extension

This Magento extension/ Module send new order email to admin with multiple features.

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Advanced Layered Navigation Extension for Magento

magento extension

Layered navigation is one of most popular Magento features created in order to make shopping quick and easy.

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EU Cookie Alert Magento Extension

magento extension

EU Cookie Alert Module is the ultimate Magento cookie extension, which helps you comply with the EU Cookie Law. It’s easy to setup and it really blocks cookies unless they’re allowed to set. Blocked content is automatically replaced with placeholders, including an ‘Accept Cookies’ button. Visitors can change their preferences at any time via the cookie shortcut at the bottom of the page, which also shows their current preference.

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SmartCheckout- Magento Responsive OnePage Checkout

magento extension

In any online store, the Checkout process is very important and sensitive part of the website. Checkout process with many complicated steps and form elements leads to losing customers and increases the rate of cart abandonment. Keeping checkout form simple and user-friendly is the best way to make your website easy to use for your customers.

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Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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