Summary: Making a good website takes a lot of effort. This is an article that brings forth two of the most recurrent mistakes that website designers make. This article also explains how one can avoid these mistakes and create beautiful and successful websites.

Okay. So you want a great website. Either for yourself or for your client. Today’s world demands a good website. But how many times has it happened that you put in your best efforts and still can’t manage to get what you envisage? Quite often I believe. It used to happen to me also a lot of times, until I found these handy tips to help create wonderful websites with very little effort.

Keep Perfection at bay

I know may seem really unstable because I say this, but the more you reach out for perfection, the more it is going to elude you. Of course it is very important to give it your best to design beautiful websites, but striving for perfection may ruin whatever you have already made.

Please try to understand and accept the fact that perfection is not an event but more like a process. SO, don’t expect everything to be perfect. DO the best that you can and then the next website will be better than this one. This way you can have a steady and growing graph will help you morally and also in terms of career opportunities.

Instead of concentrating on single details, focus on the whole project and view it not from the designer’s eye, but from the perspective of the user. Focus is the key here. Stay focused on the user and yours will be a great site.

It’s all about Inspirations

Wonders that your muse can make you do is not comparable to any other motivation. This why it is very important for you to identify things that inspire you and then move in that direction only. I am not asking you to turn down projects that don’t interest you, but at the same time it is not absolutely necessary to take anything and everything that comes your way. You must at least pick a specific genre.

One major occupational hazard of being a designer is that you really don’t always get the choice of choosing which sites to do and which not to, but it is important to stay away from things that you really don’t want to do. Creativity is like magic. Everything has to come together in order to produce the right effect. A half-hearted effort is immediately reflected in one’s work. Mediocrity is worse that bad. So, don’t be known as the mediocre little designer. Have a taste, and flair to work on preferences.


These are the two most recurrent mistakes that designers make. Although designing a website is a really complicated thing, a little goes a long way. Stays focussed on the user and remain careful of your own preferences. If you can do these things, there is no way that you will not have a successful design of a website. Happy creativity!


Bryan is a professional website designer in one of the leading Web design company London – Viteb UK providing clean, professional and good looking Bespoke Web Design services which deal with the latest web standards. Being as a web designer he has also written many articles on web design tips and guides.

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