One of the most popular web-based control panels around, cPanel offers a host of features that effectively serve to make life easier for blog and website owners everywhere. cPanel gives you complete operating control over your website and all of its functions with its nifty and streamlined Graphical User Interface (GUI). However, many inexperienced cPanel users don’t know how to get the full effect of its benefits. The three tips and tricks discussed below will help you unlock the secrets behind the web-based control panel and make the most of its features.

Understand the Basics

Like anything else, the first thing that you need to do to make the most out of cPanel is to understand its basics and the things that it can be used for. Though the amount of particular functions that it can be used for is nearly endless, cPanel is most commonly used to do things like access website statistics, FPT stats, bandwidth usage, and visitor data. It can also help with updating databases, uploading and downloading files, and editing and deleting current files. Because it is designed with beginners in mind, cPanel is incredibly easy to learn. However, if you’re having trouble, a number of ‘how-to’ guides are available both online and in print that explain its specific features.

Don’t Be Scared of Advanced Features

cPanel’s extensive array of advanced features can be intimidating even if you’re not a beginner. However, it is quite easy to learn the ins and outs of each of them just by playing around with them for a bit. Simply put, don’t be sacred of cPanel’s advanced features. The file manager, mailing list feature, spam filtering feature, Crontab tasks, PGP keys and email manager are all easy enough to pick up on if you really are serious about learning them. The same goes for setting up shopping carts, chat areas, and web development tools.

Experiment With Add-Ons

One of the main reasons that cPanel is so popular among web developers is that it supports a variety of add-ons. If you don’t use these add-ons, you won’t be anywhere close to getting the most out of cPanel. Experiment with add-ons such as phpBB, SMF, Joomla!, and SMF.

Automatic WordPress Installation

If you have ever tried installing WordPress manually on a Unix server, you will definitely appreciate the automatic WordPress installation feature. No serious webhost would be without this cPanel capability these days. A manual installation required users to unpack WordPress on their server, choose the correct PHP and MySql settings, create a database and make sure that the installation connected correctly with each process. Now with this advanced cPanel feature you can have a WordPress blog installed with minimal fuss. Simply enter the name of the blog, and basic password and naming information, and within 5 minutes you could essentially begin blogging.

Though cPanel is extremely simple in design and function, it is one of the most useful web development control panels around. Getting the most out of its features is key to making the most out of your website. Understand the basics, don’t be scared of the advanced features, and experiment with add-ons to create and control the best website that you possibly can.

Guest Author : Frank Ashton is a business webhosting consultant. He enjoys sharing his experience and insights on various business blogs. Visit WhoIsHostingThis for more information on the most popular webhosts.

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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