Idea of safeguarding a business website is high on charts for anyone willing to control and maintain its web presence. By maintaining the safety of a website we mean strategizing things in a way that retains the influx of potential visitors to the site and keep it functioning successfully on scripting and hosting server front. A website that is not safe is much prone to losing visitors, or might end up developing loopholes giving a gateway to software criminals to intrude into the system for personalized gains.

Website safety can be understood from two perspectives- Users (Customers/Visitors) and Technology. By user’s perspective we mean recognizing and fixing issues that are related to elements of building interest and easy of usability for users. Whereas overcoming website’s vulnerability from technology point of view includes a deep understanding of scripting and working of hosting servers that might create an intangible effect on the website. Let’s discuss the two aspects in detail.

safety measures for website

From User’s Perspective

Do Not Stuff

When I say not to stuff your website, it means never overboard your website with extraneous elements. It doesn’t mean that you’ll not add graphics, content or images that are required on the website, rather removing things that seem to be stuffed.

Going wacky doesn’t work all the time

Experimenting is surely a great idea when it comes to website designing. But what if a wacky thought emerges to be a turn-off? For instance, if you have given your website a navigational structure that seems pretty wonderful; nonetheless, is not user-friendly. Such an approach and chaos should be avoided for a website to operate and function well to offer fulfilling experience to the users.

Meaningful Design

Designing is the first criteria on which a website is usually rated by potential customers. Evidently, it has to be done with much thought and understanding. A bad example of a poor website design can be one wherein a website background complements the theme and nature of the website; nevertheless lacks the readability aspect. This calls for a need to refrain from things that may obstruct website popularity and alleviate the number of visitors coming to the website.

safety measures for website


From Technology Perspective

Coding Standards

When it comes to maintaining site safety from technology perspective, it is imperative to maintain proper coding standards. Leaving scripts and codes open-ended may give anonymous access to hackers that will hamper the safety of the website.

Hosting Server Security

If the software installed on the hosting server is not being upgraded, it might give open channels to malevolent human bugs, allowing them to penetrate into the website servers. Irregular scanning of venerability logs on the server may keep attempts of hackers to get anonymous access to the server hidden from server administrator, which at some point of time can prove to be fatal if any trial of the hacker get successful to gain non-authentic entry to the server.

So to overcome these website security issues, it is wise to follow aforementioned strategies and thus maintain the flow of visitors on website. Upgrading the software and secure coding will wane the chances of website abuse.


Maneet Puri is the Managing Director of a leading Indian IT firm, LeXolution IT Services. Backed with a team of seasoned designers and developers, he has culled recognition from international clients for expedite and successful accomplishment of projects. Incorporating his ingenuity and masterful business handling skills, he has paved a way for LIT's global expansion. Maneet Puri's blog

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