Your webdesign helps your site to stand out of millions of other websites. Most important part of every web design is its Background pattern. There are lots of sites available who are providing background patterns for web developers, but they cost too much. In this article I am going to create a list of 10 best sites which allows webdesigners to download free background patterns.

1. Pattern8

free background patterns

2. Patterns of Change 

free background patterns 2

3. Pattern Head

free background patterns 3

4. Pattern Cooler

free background patterns 4

5. BG Patterns

free background patterns 5

6. Everyday Icons

free background patterns 6

7. Portfelia

free background patterns 7

8. Fractured Sanity

free background patterns 8

9. Pixel Decor

free background patterns 6

10. Hybrid Genesis

free background patterns 10

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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