There are lots of ways available to make money online but the best way of making money online is blogging. You can make a decent amount of money from your blog or website. In this post i m trying to cover almost all the possible ways of making money from your blog.

1. CPC Advertising Networks

Google Adsense is the most popular CPC advertising network. Adsense is the number one income source of millions of websites. Its very simple to add advertisements from these networks to your website. You just need to copy the java script of adsense and then paste it in your blog where you want to show the ads. CPC networks works on the bases of clicks, whenever somebody clicks on these ads you will get some money. Some of the popular CPC Advertising Networks are listed below :-

2. CPM Advertising Networks

CPM networks also works like CPC networks. The main difference between CPM and CPC is that where in CPC you gets money whenever somebody clicks on ads but in CPM you don’t have to worry about the clicks. Just put the ads on your site and you will get the money. CPM stands for cost per mile. It means you will get a certain amount of money per 1000 impressions. Cost per 1000 impressions can be as low as $0.10 or as high as $ 10. It depends on the popularity of your blog. I don’t recommend CPM ads for less traffic blogs. If your blog has more than 5000 page views per day then the CPM ads is perfect for you. Some of the popular CPM networks are listed below :-

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another popular method of making money from your blog. Affiliate marketing is also called cost per action (CPA) and cost per lead (CPL). In affiliate marketing you have to sell the products and you will get commission for this. A blogger should join the right affiliate program that will suit the niche of his blog. Affiliate marketing can become a very good source of income for your blog if you have got the potential of selling products. Below are the lists of some affiliate programs you can join :-

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4. Direct Advertising

Direct Advertising is the best way to earn money from your blog. But getting direct ads is not as easy as it looks. For direct advertising your blog should have a lot of traffic. You have to build a brand name for your blog to attract direct advertisers. If you have a tech blog then buysellads is the best place for you to find direct advertisements.

5. Text Link Ads

Text link ads is another way of making money from your blog. You just need to sign up with text link ads networks and you will start making money from your blog with text link ads. There are lots of text link ad networks available in the market. But i will recommend the following Text link ad networks :-

6. Sponsored Reviews And Columns

Lots of bloggers are writing sponsored reviews of products on their blogs. They will get the money from the product owners for reviewing their products. Its a very good way of making any product popular, that’s why lots of bloggers are doing paid reviews. Sponsored columns is also same as the sponsored reviews. In sponsored columns advertisers ask blogger to write about any contest or other event they are running on their website and blogger gets a decent amount of money for writing paid articles like this.

7. Donations

Some peoples think that asking for donations is not ethical. But still lots of bloggers and website owners are asking for donations. Personally i don’t like to ask for donations.

Above are the top 7 reasons for making money from your blog. I hope it will help newbie bloggers who want to earn money from blogging. If you want to add some more ways of making money from blog please add them in the comments section.

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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