Javascript and jQuery knowledge is must have for web designers. Web designers are always in look for new tutorials about Javascript and jQuery to enhance their knowledge and to create new and cool effects for their web designs. This post is a compilation of fresh and exclusive Javascript and jQuery tutorials from the year 2011.
1. Drag Drop Shopping Cart Using JQuery
2. Get Element By ID
3. How to Make an Elegant Sliding Image Gallery with jQuery
4. Password Strength Meter Tutorial
5. Useful Calendar & Date Picker Scripts for Web Developers
6. Create a Game Character with HTML5 and JavaScript – Part 1
7. Create Delicious Tag Field Using JQuery
8. Making a Custom Facebook Wall with jQuery Templates
9. How to Create Preload Images with jQuery in WordPress
10. JQuery Typing Game
11. Timer Gallery V2 Ajaxed
12. Simple jQuery Cross Fader Tutorial
13. Shutter Effect Portfolio with jQuery and Canvas
14. Implement Twitter Scrolling without jQuery
15. Create Bookmarklets – The Right Way
16. Fun with jQuery Templating and AJAX
17. Spotlight: Constrained Stickies with jQuery
18. JQuery Simple Shooting Game
19. jQuery and CSS single page portfolio, a vertical parallax navigation experiment
20. Drag-and-Drop with jQuery: Your Essential Guide
21. Accessing Element Content with jQuery
22. Making a Flickr-powered Slideshow
23. Simple jQuery Dropdown Menu
24. Simple jQuery Dropdown Menu
25. Jquery Memory Game
26. Spotlight: jQuery replaceText
27. Simple JQuery Slideshow
28. Simple JQuery Flickr Style Tooltip Menu
29. Manipulating JavaScript Arrays
30. Treesaver – JavaScript Framework for Creating Magazine-Style Layouts
31. JQuery iTunes Like Slide Show Gallery
32. Hash Slider – Simple jQuery based content slider
33. Create an Attractive Before and After Photo Effect with jQuery
34. Anchormodeler – Database Modeling Tool for Creating Anchor Models
I’m so bookmarking this! Thanks for sharing!
its easy and fast to learning little java skripting its cool and nice for me thx
Excelentes ideas..>!
really helped me. Thank you for the post, Thanks a ton