Converting that visitor to your site into one that actually buys your product or service is difficult. On average, if you have 100 people drop by your site, around only 5-8% will actually convert to a sale.

Which is ok, but certainly you want this figure to be a little higher surely?

There is no magic technique that will automatically gain you a high conversion rate, but there are certainly a few things you can to boost it a little, particularly when it comes to your actual web design. Here are 5 of them:

Design and Navigation should stand out

This goes without saying but it’s surprising how many websites lose sight of this. By making your page eye-catching and colourful, it’s going to keep visitor’s attention for a lot longer. This means the potential for conversion increases and the bounce rate goes down. Also, make the navigation simple and quick. Web users are an impatient lot and if it’s difficult to get where they want to go, they will simply leave.

Highlight your call to action

It’s frustrating when web users don’t know what to do. In addition to your design, the call to action should take a clear and noticeable place on your page. Positioning and size are important. Remember, the majority of web users will not read and hunt around. They scan the page, which means that if your call to action is lost in the design, then you won’t convert.


You content is not unimportant. It is very important. But web users are impatient. They want things quickly. They want things now. Make your content interesting. Short. Punchy. Relevant. You’ll certainly change some of those visitors into buyers. Notice this paragraph? Make the content like this.

The trust issue

To put it bluntly, web users will not trust you. You are the salesman in their eyes. There’s nothing you won’t say or do to make the sale. To them, you may as well be sat in a black leather office chair stroking a white cat. So get other users to help. Put reviews or links to reviews on your page. People will trust other users far more than you. By garnering that trust, your conversion rate will be higher.


Your web design should be simple. It can be interesting but if it’s far too busy, users will not want to muddle through the razzle-dazzle. By highlighting your key areas and effectively telling the user where to go on your page in a simple manner, you’ll find that they are more likely to convert because it’s hassle-free and quick.

Written on behalf of Custard, a company that specialise in providing expert digital services and with a refreshing approach.

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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