This article features the best website builder services of 2013. Building a website is not that easy. You need to know about so many coding languages and design software to create a website. This is an era where it is necessary for every business or service owner to have a website for their business. If you don’t have a website for your business then you are definitely missing a huge list of clients. But sometimes its not easy to create a website because of small budget. So I always recommend people to create a free website for your business. There are various websites available that are providing hosting for free websites. And these websites are also providing website builder for their visitors. So that they can create a website without having any knowledge of coding. Today I thought about creating a compilation of world’s best online website builders to help you guys create a website for your business or service. Do share this post with your friends to help us spread the word.


Best Website Builder Of 2013


Google Sites

best website builder

A Free website is always the best for newbies. Google is providing a great platform where you can create your website for free. Google also has its own free website builder to help you create your first website without any problem.

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best website builder

Edicy is a simple tool to create multilingual websites. It is easy to use and it is also optimized for mobile and desktop.

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best website builder

Squidoo is a great platform for building websites. It is available for free. Its website builder is the best and it gives you a lot more options that are necessary for a professional looking website.

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best website builder

Whether it’s a small business, organization or a personal website, Tripod provides the tools and services to build a professional-looking website.

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best website builder

Weebly gives millions of people a surprisingly easy and affordable way to create a site that is as unique as they are. With a Weebly site, people can start their own business, communicate with their clients, showcase their achievements, and be an authority on personal and professional interests.

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best website builder

Blogsome is a free to use online website builder.

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best website builder

HubPages is an open community of passionate people—writers, explorers, knowledge seekers, conversation starters. Interacting and informing. Sharing words, pictures and videos. Asking questions. Finding answers. It’s a rich and rewarding experience with a unique set of tools and resources to help Hubbers find and build an audience, easily create articles, and earn all sorts of rewards, from accolades to ad revenue.

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best website builder

Webnode AG is a fast-growing company that owns and operates “Webnode”, a top website creation tool for businesses and private citizens. It is a Swiss company with headquarters in Zug and offices in Brno, Czech Republic.

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best website builder

Moonfruit lets you customize the style and layout of your site so that it reflects your brand without you having to understand any coding, HTML or CSS. Your sites are optimized for web and mobile.

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Let’s Eat

best website builder

Let’s Eat is a website builder which helps you to build websites related to cooking and restaurants.

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Which is your favorite website builder? Which website builder helps you in creating your first website? Do share with us in the comments section.

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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