jQuery is a great Javascript library that helps web developers to add dynamic effects to their websites. The new age web designing is all about jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5. If you are willing to add animated effects to your website and you don’t know much about jQuery then this post will be helpful for you. In this post you will find the best jQuery animation plugins and tutorials that will help you to add the animations to your websites.



jquery animate plugins

firefly: jquery animation plugin

jquery animate plugins


jquery animate plugins

PHP jQuery Image Upload And Crop

jquery animate plugins

Easiest Tooltip and Image Preview Using jQuery

jquery animate plugins

A Mac OS X-style Dock In JavaScript

jquery animate plugins

CSS Sprites2 – It’s JavaScript Time

jquery animate plugins

jQuery Gloss

jquery animate plugins

Animate a hover with jquery

jquery animate plugins

Fully Executing jQuery Animations Without Queuing

jquery animate plugins

Dream Night

jquery animate plugins

Garage Door Style Menu

jquery animate plugins

Animated Menus Using jQuery

jquery animate plugins

Using jQuery for Background Image Animations

jquery animate plugins

Easily Animate Web Buttons/Objects using jQuery

jquery animate plugins

Building an Animated Cartoon Robot with jQuery

jquery animate plugins

Crafting an Animated Postcard With jQuery

jquery animate plugins

Android Nexus Neural Network Live Wallpaper in jQuery

jquery animate plugins

Revealing Photo Slider

jquery animate plugins

jQuery animate in circular path

jquery animate plugins

Animate color using jquery

jquery animate plugins

Animated Drop Down Menu with jQuery

jquery animate plugins

Create a Cool Animated Navigation with CSS and jQuery

jquery animate plugins

Dynamic Page / Replacing Content

jquery animate plugins

Use the jQuery UI to Control the Size of Your Text

jquery animate plugins


jquery animate plugins

How To Build an Animated Header in jQuery

jquery animate plugins

jQuery Common Accordion – Horizontal & Vertical

jquery animate plugins

Bubble Engine – Plugin for jQuery

jquery animate plugins

Create a Realistic Hover Effect With jQuery

jquery animate plugins

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog Creativedesignmagazine.com

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