The major challenge of any entrepreneur is to convert an idea of creation of a website into reality. Most of them find it a difficult hurdle to overcome. This is where any website builder plays an important role in making a newbie create a website at ease.

One can find tons of web building sites online offering free templates, Hosting servers and Email accounts. But, choosing the best one for your long term business purpose is very necessary.

How to build your first site Online for free

When a user is opting for a website builder tool, it is of high essential that they must take in certain aspects such as

· User interface Provided

· Security of the website

· Easy Updating

· Free Templates.

· Affordable Price

One of the leading contenders in this field is IMCreator. It is an online website builder tool which provides various options for the user to create a website for free. These tools negate the necessity to know the programming language as it is a simple process which is understood even by a lay man.

im creator

IMcreator ensures that each of the aspect mentioned above is adhered in a professional way. The user interface which is provided in the website is very easy to understand and is also organized in a neat and meticulous way which eases the operations performed by user.

A user would give high importance to the way the data associated with the website is secured. Any doubt with the security provided by the website builder tool would create uneasiness in the customers mind.

Basic security features such as login password and other essential details are taken care of at IMCreator. It assures the authenticity of the connection established between the user and builder.

Once the website is created, the next thing that the users look out for is the continuous support provided by the website. As the demand for the website grows it is essential to grow the website along as well and this requires professional help from the builder themselves. Support system at IMCreator is good and provides regular support in various forms.

An online website builder is expected to provide a free platform for the users to create their own web design. But for a website to be published, the website builder site would charge a premium amount.

How to choose a Template for your Website:

One of the salient features of IMCreator is the huge collection of templates available at the user’s desk provided by the website. The user can choose his/her style from the options available. The templates are near completion state and require only little modification to establish into a complete website and thus reducing the time for execution.

How does it Work??

Choose a design: The user is provided with a variety of new templates every month. All the templates are well structured and unique in their own way.

Customization: Once the user decides on the template, it is required to insert content into it. Text, pictures, videos and other options available can be edited by the user at their own will. IM Adapter would embed the content which is chosen by the user in accordance to the template.

Publish: After the website is finished being designed, it is to be published in existing domain or purchase a new one.

Experience Designer could have more freedom by developing the website from scratch using the options available. The clients of the web designer also will be provided the tools, so that they could make the changes they want to see into the website.

Conclusion: IMCreator provides an easy path way for the users to develop a website with minimum effort. The fact being that it is available at free of cost initially for the web design and the “drag and drop option” makes the user’s experience of working with the website a pleasant one.

Loveish Kalsi

Loveish Kalsi is a freelance Web and Graphic Designer from India. He is the owner of famous design blog

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