When it comes to for a successful business on the web, there are lots of things that one needs to consider for their website. Hosting is the top. Only those businesses with an awesome dedicated hosting are sure to succeed well. If you have been hunting for a good hosting for your website, you can always rely on ServerClub.com.
Most of the people out there believe in the fact that only those multibillion dollar companies have bucks to own dedicated servers to run their blogs or websites. But ServerClub works really hard to make it easier for even the smallest business to get the most out of that with 3 packages.
ServerClub has it’s servers located at EvoSwitch Data Center in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The datacenter is made with environmentally sustainable technology for energy saving systems.
Thus the price of those dedicated servers is pretty cheap yet effective when compared to other hosting providers. Also, ServerClub uses those high quality Dell web servers which are rocking to the core.
ServerClub offers a 24 x 7 hours full service. If you get into any problem, you are always at the hands of the ServerClub staff to help you out. In addition to awesome support they are numerous other reasons to go with ServerClub.
Here are top reasons that why people love to use
Unlimited web hosting and dedicated severs. Shared hosting is always to be avoided as you will have to pay really high and often the servers crash, getting you into problems
High bandwidth to take care of those insane traffic when your business website gets hell lots of visitors
Not only you can get dedicated web server hosting for cheap price, you can get highly secured hosting with 99% up time
The unlimited plan lets you get unrestricted traffic amount. The Limited plan lets you pay for those traffic you get. The more the Gigabytes transfer from your server, the more you pay. The 95th percentile allows you to pay some dollars for the traffic you get during peak hours
You can monitor your bandwidth usage details right from your iOs devices (iPhone, iPod Touch are compatible devices) and you can customize some basic functionalities right from your iPhone
With Serverclub, your website is visible to your customers for all the time, you can assure best services from Serverclub dedicated web server hosting for your peace of mind. For more info, check https://serverclub.com