Gone are the days when cleverly written text or cunning retort sold, now it’s all about how colorful and eye-catching the pictures used are. Stockfresh, a new stock photo agency with an ever growing portfolio of more than two million photos, graphics and vectors is here to cater to those needs. Regardless of the type of project you’re thinking about, using a combination of high quality and low-priced photos for it can never go wrong.
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The pretty easy to use interface of Stockfresh is of great help, since they worked on organizing it into different categories like education, beauty, animals, landscape, vectors and various other sections, making it faster for you to find what you were searching for.
Clients also have the option of browsing through the most popular images section, to see what others are using and make an informed decision.
Image quality
Quality should not be of any concern, only the best pictures make it onto Stockfresh and dredging through pages of mediocre search results to get to the one you need is no longer an issue.
Famous contributors
More so, the content of the site is constantly enhanced with the works of some very talented professional photographers, many of which you’ve probably heard about since very early in the start of the photo stock business, such as Cathy Yeulet or Yuri Arcurs, whose combined contributions to Stockfresh amount to over 90,000 photos.
Believe it or not, the prices are about as low as they can go; you can buy images with as little as 20 cents and subscriptions starting as low as 80 cents. Using the best photos for your project doesn’t have to ruin you, this stock photo agency has something that will suit your needs regardless of the budget available.
Using Stockfresh will definitely enhance your chances of producing more stunning and visually appealing projects, they will cost less than other web designers’ and that will put you on speed-dial when it comes to needing to ‘Wow’.
I like what you guys are usually up too. Such clever
work and exposure! Keep up the excellent works guys I’ve included you guys to my personal blogroll.