This article features the great Metasearch Engines to help you search the web in a better way. Internet has grown so much that its not easy to search the entire web on a single search engine. Metasearch engines lets users search the entire web right from one place.
What is Metasearch Engine
A metasearch engine is a search tool that sends user requests to several other search engines and/or databases and aggregates the results into a single list or displays them according to their source. Metasearch engines enable users to enter search criteria once and access several search engines simultaneously. Metasearch engines operate on the premise that the Web is too large for any one search engine to index it all and that more comprehensive search results can be obtained by combining the results from several search engines. This also may save the user from having to use multiple search engines separately.
How It Works
Metasearch engines create what is known as a virtual database. They do not compile a physical database or catalogue of the web. Instead, they take a user’s request, pass it to several other heterogeneous databases and then compile the results in a homogeneous manner based on a specific algorithm.
We compiled a list of best Metasearch Engines to make your search experience more useful. Do share this post with your friends to help us spread the word. Now have a look at these very useful Metasearch Engines :-
Metasearch Engines
I’ve used Google as my primary source of information without taking notice of the other vast numbers of engines that have more to offer. Sometimes, when I am looking for a particular item on a search engine I am not able to manage to find my query because the topic has not been added on that search engine. Thank you for this great list of search engines. Now I have a new arsenal at my disposal.
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